Month: August 2019

Recruitment specialist Lynda Ward, of Pet Trade Solutions, is reporting an increase in pet retail assistants seeking field sales roles. She said: “It’s perhaps not surprising…

Natterjacks Vet, in Poole, Dorset, has unveiled a new-look after a £250,000 investment in state-of-the art equipment and a building extension. The investment includes a new…

Natures Menu is sponsoring the Focus Flyball Team. As part of the sponsorship agreement, members of the Focus Flyball team -comprising six teams of four dogs…

This year Company of Animals is celebrating its 40th anniversary. From humble beginnings in 1979 when founder Dr Roger Mugford established an animal behaviour consultancy, the…

Police in Pennsylvania, USA, were called to help round up a bear that went for a swim in a resident’s back garden. According to the Bethlehem…